Descubra se você esta Apaixonada(o) [Teste]

De repente você só pensa na pessoa!

Conta os minutos pra chegar o momento de vocês conversarem.

Pensa o tempo inteiro em como vai se vestir e como vai se comportar no próximo encontro.

Quando vocês estão juntos…

…Tudo tem um significado! 

Você sorri por qualquer besteira.

Tu esquece a senha do banco,

Esquece o aniversário dos melhores amigos…

Mas lembra de cada palavra que ele ou ela te disse, em cada frase.

Estou realmente apaixonado?

Será que você está apaixonado(o)?

Quais as vantagens de se apaixonar?

Será que essa paixão é correspondida?

Em caso positivo, qual é a melhor maneira de entrar num relacionamento de forma segura e saudável?

Topa fazer um teste rápido?

Vamos lá!

Para descobrir se você está apaixonado(a), não é tão simples quanto parece.

Às vezes é preciso tirar um tempinho. Ficar sozinha(o) e pensar em tudo o que está acontecendo dentro de você.

E vamos iniciar esse teste!

Pra começar, se pergunte, o seguinte…

  • Quando penso nele ou nela, sinto meu corpo mudar?
  • Será que você começa, de repente, a suar?
  • A respiração fica mais acelerada como se estivesse correndo numa esteira?
  • Seu peito se contrai? 

Se você respondeu positivamente a estas perguntas. É muito possível que você esteja realmente se apaixonando.

Estas são algumas reações físicas de uma pessoa que está apaixonada.

O corpo é a casa dos nossos sentimentos. 

Ele está habilitado a expressar esses sentimentos na sua estrutura.

Ou seja, nos órgãos, nos sistemas respiratórios e nervosos e etc.

Pra você entender melhor, é como se o corpo estivesse prevendo uma aventura. 

Como se ele estivesse sentindo que você está sentando na cadeira de uma montanha russa. 

O seu corpo entende que você está feliz e se prepara para te acompanhar.

Mas vamos continuar analisando…

Você sente medo de perder o contato com ele(a)?

O contato com a pessoa por quem você está envolvido é o fundamento de uma paixão.

Afinal, não tem como alimentar uma paixão por uma pessoa da qual não temos nenhuma informação.

Então, quando vocês estão conversando, na realidade estão trocando várias informações sobre quem vocês são.

E quanto mais informações ele(a) te passa, mais combustível você tem para:

  • Se interessar por esta pessoa,
  • Despertar a curiosidade de querer saber mais sobre determinados aspectos;
  • Fazer novas perguntas;
  • E repensar em todas as informações que você captou!

Ao passo que você vai pensando em tudo o que você sabe sobre essa pessoa.

Você vai depositando mais energia emocional nela.

Chega a um ponto que você já depositou tanta energia. Que está energia foi transformada em uma reação orgânica que é a paixão.

De certa forma, o amor é uma hidrelétrica de diálogo .

O cérebro capta a enchente de informações. 

Depois ele comprime em sinápses.

E por fim descarrega as energias positivas pelo resto do corpo.

Por isto você tem medo de que este contato se perca.

É por este motivo você fica apreensiva(o) da pessoa desaparecer e você não ter mais essa fonte de sensações boas.

Todo pessoa apaixonada sente este medo!

Agora é a etapa do teste em que você vai dar graças a Deus por não ter ninguém por perto!

Vamos imaginar esta situação:

Você está em casa sem fazer nada…

Sua melhor amiga(o) te manda uma mensagem;

Ela(e) diz que está meio deprê, meio pra baixo, e que queria conversar pessoalmente com você.

No mesmo instante a pessoa por quem você está envolvida(o) emocionalmente, te manda uma mensagem dizendo “Tô afim de tomar um sorvete! Topa?”

Sendo sincera(o)…

Qual convite você aceitaria?

Encontrar a amiga(o) deprimida(o) ou encontrar o crush num dia de sol?

Em qual das duas situações você ficaria realmente contente em ir?

Suponhamos que por uma questão de responsabilidade e lealdade você decida ir encontrar a sua melhor amiga(o).

Pois esta é uma amizade que você valoriza muito e que está precisando de você.

Durante esse encontro, tem certeza de que você não ficaria pensando o tempo inteiro no crush?

Quantas vezes você checaria o celular para conferir se não tem nenhuma nova mensagem?

Quantas vezes você viajaria em pensamentos e perderia o fio da conversa lembrando de alguma coisa que aconteceu no seu ultimo encontro com o crush?

Não sei se você sabe, mas no Latim existe diversos tipos de amor.

O amor que existe numa relação de amizade é completamente diferente do amor que existe numa relação de casal.

O amor de uma amizade é o amor Filia. O  mesmo amor que existe entre irmãos. 

O amor de um casal é o amor Eros.

O amor Eros é capaz de provocar no corpo as mesmas sensações de uma pessoa que está prestes a pular de paraquedas ou andar numa montanha russa. Como já vimos no início do texto.

O amor eros meche com o nosso organismo! 

E por essas sensações terminarem numa liberação expressiva de endorfina o nosso corpo   “pede mais”.

Uma vez que experimentamos, ficamos sempre desejando sentir de novo.

Por isto, é normal que uma pessoa apaixonada prefira encontrar o crush do que reafirmar a lealdade de uma amizade.

Se você se identificou com todas essas questões mencionadas até aqui você realmente está apaixonada ou apaixonado!

Agora, chegou a hora de você começar a pensar nos próximos passos;

Você deve descobrir agora:

Quais são os benefícios de se apaixonar?

Será que se apaixonar traz alguma coisa de boa pra vida além das sensações físicas?

Como transformar uma paixão em um grande amor?

Antes de qualquer coisa, escute essa música!

30 comentários em “Descubra se você esta Apaixonada(o) [Teste]

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  5. Tea party topples another republican, the party’s candidate wins a second term.

    With the death of the old Republican establishment a year ago, the current GOP platform is not without opposition and some Republican leaders say they don’t like the platform because it’s too “beneath the beltway.” The Republican National Committee, which is not bound by any set of rules, has already announced new plans to “modernize” its platform, calling it an effort to unite its party behind the principles and values that have been the guiding principles of America since Franklin D. Roosevelt.

    “In the modern world, it was always about getting along, respecting each other, getting along with everyone,” said state delegate James W. Boulware, a self-described “skeptic” who has been a Republican for 16 years. “That’s not the platform. It’s got no message, no guiding principle.”

    That’s something that is being said in California, where the state party is trying to appeal to the younger, more liberal parts of the electorate in an effort to make itself relevant again.

    “At a time when people are angry with the two-party system, the California Republican party is using a platform to rally around principles and ideas that they’re confident will grow the state out of its economic and political stagnation,” said state convention chairwoman Linda Ritter.

    A major reason the party is so popular in California is that the platform has come to seem more like a traditional Republican party platform than a conservative, anti-establishment document.

    “You want to do the right thing. You want to keep people from getting hurt,” said state Republican Party executive director Brad DeLong. “And when you get angry in this climate, we see that we’re not going to be able to win elections by just standing up and saying that.”

    California’s conservative values are reflected in the country at large, says conservative Republican consultant Larry Sabato, and “there’s some kind of movement toward the conservative side. And in some ways there is a backlash from the party establishment to what they see as a more radical agenda. That has been one of the main messages for the platform.”

    The California platform has not changed from a speech a year ago by its chairman, Steve Schmidt, who is known by conservative Republican names such as “Ranier” and “Chomsky.”

    But Schmidt has done his best to change his language to speak to the current concerns of the party in a way that could be appealing to the younger, more liberal base of the party that is trying to gain entry to the 2018 House primary.

    Schmidt’s speeches have focused on issues like protecting Obamacare, making sure that “big government” isn’t interfering with “small government” and reducing th

    Share market closes at four month high

    The Dow Jones industrial average rose 0.6 percent to 16,879.75, as shares in companies such as Procter & Gamble (PG.N), General Mills (G.N) and Tyson Foods (T.N) gained as concerns over the U.S. presidential election helped revive business sentiment.

    The Dow rose 1.0 percent from record highs in August and the S&P 500 index SPX, +0.00% fell 0.3 percent.

    While the overall market is under pressure following two consecutive sessions of falling profits and investor anxiety after the U.S. elections, both the major indexes are expected to finish the day higher. The S&P 500 ended at 2,664.10 as of 12:16 a.m. (6:16 a.m. EDT) local time and the Nasdaq Composite Index COMP, -1.26% closed up 4.2 percent at 4,007.98.

    “I don’t think this whole election season has gone by quickly and with great clarity,” says Andrew Krieger, chief market strategist at Krieger Intelligence. “I do think that there’s some concern that business investment will take a hit in the second half of the year and there’s no reason to believe that will’t be true over the remainder of the year. In order to have an impact this year at some point you need to get over it first.”

    The Dow’s record close exceeded the previous high set in July 2016, when it set a record of 20,946.71, breaking a 13-year high.

    Some investors also expressed concerns about the U.S. economic recovery, particularly the U.S. jobs market, as the employment report reported a lackluster increase in August. While the number of jobs created for August rose only 2,500, it was still significantly below the monthly average of 5,500.

    Investors reacted to the data by hitting the floor for the year-end shopping season. The S&P 500 closed at an all-time high and the Nasdaq Composite Index COMP, +0.19% closed up 0.9 percent at an intraday high of 19,076.12.


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  7. Наша корпорация выполняет услуги по реконструкции и очистки водопроводов современным способом гидродинамической очистки на новейшем парке оборудования. Применение данного способа обеспечивает восстановление функций труб к начальному уровню, сокращаются затраты электрической энергии на 20процентов, растет назначенный срок работы стальных труб на двадцать лет до капремонта, повышаются промежутки между профилактическим сервисом.
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    Громадный прозводственный опыт – более сотни восстановленных очистных сооружений в Российской федерации и за её рубежами, присутствие всех без исключения разрешения и лицензий на осуществление реставрационных и технических работ, разработка и конструирование экологического, безопасного, энергосохраняющего, очень эфективного оборудования, гарантийное обслуживание, высококлассный и ответственный обслуживающий персонал.

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  8. Minardi opt for dutchman albers over de la Rosa, B. de la Rosa opts for de la Rosa over ducharme and de la Rosa opts for de la Rosa over de la Roma for the fourth spot in the table.

    It’s an interesting one… as we all know, if a team has no strikers they won’t be scoring that many goals. We already know from the game against Atlético that it wasn’t enough to score, so we’re going to give some extra points to those that will score in order to ensure that our team will be stronger going forward, rather than just to get to the big games when you’re not so good. We like to put our own stamp on games, and so far we have managed to do that.

    Favourite players

    Mertesacker has been a surprise all match long. If we could play the game of our lives and choose who we would score against, the Germany international would go straight in the goal for us.

    His performances in this match have been quite good and he showed his worth with his performance and I would not be afraid to put him in the starting XI.

    His goal was definitely the highlight of the game. He had the ball from the left-hand side of the box and managed to beat de la Rosa to it at the edge of the box. At this stage we know that, for him, goal-scoring is more important than the physical element of the game. He made it look easy when he beat de la Rosa and got the ball from the right.

    It was a great goal. He always has an instinctive ability in front of goal and this is a great example of that, not just from the striker’s perspective but also from other parts of his game.

    The problem for the German is that he isn’t the same player in front of goal that he is in midfield. He’s not going to be able to do it all, to do all the things he likes and create for his team-mates. In addition, his movement and his finishing are limited. Even so, at times he’s played well and other times he’s struggled to get up to speed with the team. That said, I trust him to be a real player in this position, and I’m looking forward to that match.

    Cabello didn’t look comfortable in the game. He wasn’t getting on the ball and was missing the ball a lot, as well as being too wide from time to time. I am going to leave him out as far as a game to go, but I am pleased with the result. He had the opportunity of some excellent crosses early on and he got forward well and showed the ability to set up others and even dribbl

    Employees axed as drought claims meatworks’ jobs and damage more

    Maggie Thomas, 31, left, the executive director of food justice group Feeding the World, in her kitchen outside the Beef Market Market in Fresno, California, last July. The store was forced to shut down as drought conditions worsened. Photo: Paul Chinn, The Chronicle Buy photo Photo: Paul Chinn, The Chronicle Image 1 of / 1 Caption Close Employees axed as drought claims meatworks’ jobs and damage more 1 / 1 Back to Gallery

    Fresno — This year, drought conditions are expected to create a food crisis for meatpackers and restaurants that employ thousands of farmworkers in the Valley, leading to thousands of direct layoffs of seasonal farmworkers — as well as an eventual loss of jobs, according to projections by food producers and industry groups.

    This year marks the 12th consecutive year of heavy rainfall, which has driven the amount of water in the California desert into the state’s waterways by up to 60 percent from last year, according to a report released by The Center for Global Agricultural Studies, a nonprofit research and advocacy organization based in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

    The report, “California’s Wildfire: What it Means to the State and Economy,” projects that more than 1 million acres of agricultural land will be impacted. The report also predicts more than 20,000 direct agricultural jobs will be lost.

    The report says it is the second-biggest water-intensive crop globally, and that as California’s water and agriculture resources become more depleted, the “wastage of water and land” can be enormous.

    “It is not a problem of drought and we are at least getting it back on track,” said Steve Guevara, a senior fellow at UC Davis who has served as an expert on the state’s agricultural challenges. “For people who live around those agricultural areas, if it is hot, that water they have used for lawns and flower beds is now going to be used to irrigate lawns, garden equipment — anything that irrigates the grasses or flowers has to be done in the summer time.”

    Guevara’s report estimates that up to 1.4 million acres of farmland will be affected, with the California River in some areas up to 20 percent more water-rich than it was a few years ago.

    “It is going to be a bad year in terms of people’s livelihoods because they need to pay their bills, they need to pay their bills for these agricultural commodities and produce,” Guevara said. “It isn’t sustainable. As more land falls into the water, the land becomes less productive, and the crops produce less and less.”

    Guevara called on the state’s agriculture an


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    Наше частное детективное агентство трудится, с тем чтобы найти доказательства и данные, которые заказчику требуются, чтобы защитить свой бизнес, себя или свою семью. Детективное агенство готово предоставить вам экономичные, лучшие, комплексные, эффективные, результативные, системные и действенные услуги по расследованию.
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  13. Us wins duel in the pool at #1.

    Balls from #13 to #2 in the final round of the 3rd semi-final match of the final round.

    Balls from #14 to #4 in the final round of the 3rd semi-final match of the final round.

    A team from both #16 and #17 wins the match.

    1st place in the Pool A finals at #3 is the team with the highest rating at the end of week two of the season.

    Team of the Week #5 – The Golden Monkey – (Australia)

    Sydney Sixers vs. Sydney Roosters

    The Sydney Sixers (the golden monkey) made waves from a very early age by winning the annual Australian competition called The New York Rumble in 2000. They also managed to secure a berth in the All Stars tournament to be held at the Sydney Harbour venue, the Sydney Arena, every year in 2001, 2002 and 2003.

    In addition to playing against the All Stars, the Sixers took part in numerous youth football tournaments, including the Sydney Roosters Youth Soccer Championships, Sydney Roosters Youth Football Team Competitions and the Sydney Opera Youth Football Team Competitions. The two teams last played at the Sydney Harbour venue, the Sydney Arena, in December 2010. The Sixers won the finals of the tournament by a score of 1-1.

    The Roosters have had their fair share of bad luck in recent years. During the 2011 finals series at the Sydney Harbour venue, the Roosters lost 4-3 to Canberra Broncos. The Sixers went on to lose to the Roosters 4-2. The Roosters then lost to the Melbourne Storm. In addition, the team was forced to forfeit against the Sydney Roosters, despite a 4-0 lead. The Roosters made it close in their second loss to the Sixers 4-1 in the last match before finals, the Sydney Derby 5-4. The Eagles however, prevailed 5-2.

    The Eagles roster in 2011 has some big names on their roster and the most notable one would be Josh Dugan. The Eagles first round pick of 2009 took the field with an 11-2-1 record in 2011. He led the team in scoring with 11 goals, and in the team’s 5 game win streak, Dugan had 14 assists. He played one game in the quarter final of the 2011 Finals, being beaten 5-2 by the Giants. He returned for the fourth year in a row to form part of the 2012 Premiership. The Eagle forwards in their last season of their premiership were Michael Lichaa, John Sutton and Nathan Peats.

    While the 2013 squad looks promising, the team will likely need to beat u

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    In a statement released to Al Jazeera, Cem Al Houssawi told Al Jazeera that despite the al-Qassam Brigades’ rejection, he and his family have a plan to rebuild their home.

    “I would like to build my own home and pay for my life expenses,” he said. “I would like to pay my wife and children to build it and help to raise my children and grandchildren.”

    According to the statement from Cem Al Houssawi’s supporters, his plan has “the blessing of all the al-Qassam Brigades”.

    But others believe the family may face discrimination, as the movement has previously warned of the persecution of members who refuse to live al-Qassam Brigade’s lifestyle.

    Al-Houssawi told Al Jazeera he is willing to be a soldier of justice.

    “My family and I are all for a peaceful life and the truth, whatever the reason, should prevail. For the soldiers of al-Qassam Brigades, a way is in order, the best way,” Al Houssawi said.

    Cem Al Houssawi’s family is one of the many who lost their lives in the fighting around al-Raeel village in northern Homs last month.


  14. Swine flu cases suspected in tassels and sashes

    The CDC reported that more than a dozen patients with swine flu have had reported sashes and ties in their cases; some of these sashes are wearing contacts that have been tested for the virus. Those tests showed that the person was infected after traveling outside the United States, the CDC noted.

    The CDC reported that the cases included:

    • a 37-year-old woman who had recently returned home after being hospitalized in Singapore, but was unable to travel without a tassel. She wore an orange hat.

    • a 26-year-old man who had recently returned home from Vietnam, but was unable to travel without a tassel. He wore a white hat.

    • a 34-year-old woman who had recently returned home from Iraq. She wore a red hat.

    • a 54-year-old man and his girlfriend, who each had a tassel.

    The cases involve six patients and three people in their late 40s. The illness is known to cause flu-like symptoms and severe fatigue and breathing problems, the CDC said.

    The cases are being investigated by the National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Diseases), the Health Resources and Services Administration, and other health agencies in Minnesota and Arizona, the CDC said.

    People with a tassel or other close contact with a person with the illness and who had traveled overseas before becoming ill or who were exposed should not wear the sashes, the CDC warned.

    If the person with the swine flu symptoms returns home from a travel trip, contact him or her with a full protective glove or mask and contact them immediately with any questions, the CDC urged.

    The CDC has added another advisory to its official Web page, to urge people in the U.S. to take all necessary precautions to protect themselves against the illness, the disease and associated complications such as pneumonia, liver failure, dehydration, severe bleeding and nerve damage that can occur in the hands or feet.

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, along with public health health officials and health care providers, have also launched the website.

    To get the latest health news, visit the MMWR website. For other Minnesota health news, visit

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    RSPCA launches campaign to combat cat and dog fights

    The MSPCA and the Scottish Animal Welfare Organisation (SAWA) are launching a campaign called ‘The Great Cats Save the MSPCA’ to raise awareness about pet owners adopting cats and dogs. The campaign is now online and will run until 30 December.

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    “It’s an important time to highlight the dangers inherent in adopting a pet, and it’s also important that everyone in society and the wider public knows what cats need, how they behave and why they need help.”

    – Dr Sarah Smith, Chief Executive of The Scottish Veterinary Association

    Dr Sarah Smith, Director of the Scottish Animal Welfare Organisation (SAWA) adds:

    “Our main focus is helping cats and dogs of all ages live with love and trust without their owners having to worry about their health issues coming back. This awareness campaign is designed to help people who have never adopted a pet talk about the needs they have and to encourage people to adopt or have pets instead, to protect the environment and reduce the stress of having a pet.”

    “We are pleased to be using our media expertise in order to share the message with as many people as possible.

    “Our message is absolutely focused on cat and dog rescue, as this is the one area in which I would like to see more and more people taking on the responsibility of keeping a feline companion happy and healthy for as long as possible, until a cat or dog is no longer necessary.”

    The campaign is being funded by the Scottish SPCA and The Scottish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ScpCA), who are partnering with the cat rescue charity MSPCA in an international campaign.

    SAWA Director Dr Sarah Smith explains:

    “I would encourage people to be part of this new campaign because it will help keep the conversation going and the MSPCA can only do so much in that space.”

    More information:


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